Salem WEST

This is our “signature” outreach ministry, through which we receive donations of furniture, household items and clothing, ensure they are clean and/or in good condition, and then give them to individuals and families in need. This takes a whole cadre of people serving in Jesus’ name!  From making deliveries and picking up donations, sanitizing dishware, laundering bedding, to sorting and pricing clothing, together we are God’s hands at work in Deerwood – and beyond! Click here to be taken to this ministry’s web pages.


Mustard Seed Gift and Thrift Store

The Mustard Seed is a primary means of funding our ministry at Salem WEST.  It is an up-scale gift and thrift store with something for everyone. Furniture, antiques, clothing, jewelry, books and even a “men’s corner”!  our staff and team of volunteers do a great job at staging the store each week, and there’s always something new. With the exception of some “Fair Trade” items such as coffee and tea, everything we sell has been donated.  All donations are processed through Salem WEST, and a determination is made as to whether it is best to give the item(s) away, or to sell them at the Mustard Seed and use the proceeds to further fund our outreach ministry.  Click here to be taken to this ministry’s web pages.


Jail Ministry

Jesus tells us in Matthew 25 that we are to visit those in prison….and He goes on to tell us, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”  The Salem Jail Ministry Team has answered this call, to provide an opportunity to hear, learn, study and experience the Gospel at the Crow Wing County Jail in Brainerd.  Serving both men and women we facilitate Bible studies, as well as times writing and reflecting on current events from the perspective of the Christian faith.

As this ministry grown it has offered opportunities to befriend and support individuals in times of great distress, has assisted those in the judicial process in gaining access to treatment programs, and has offered people support through their journey in re-entry into the community or their journey through recovery.

The people of Salem also donate Christmas gifts each year – not for those incarcerated, but so they can have a gift to give their child(ren). After collecting the gifts Salem hosts a Christmas Party at the jail.  Those in jail appreciate the food, the carol singing and the conversation, but especially appreciate being given the opportunity and means of

There are many opportunities to volunteer – such as clerical, Health Education, Library, Teen Challenge, Art room, Set Free program, Nutrition Program, Life’s Compass Program, Gideon’s, Yoga, Mentoring, Parenting Program, Residents Encountering Christ, Let’s Talk, Quilting, Blanket Program, AA, NA, Bible Studies, Birdhouse Program, Education, Church Services, Dollar Works, Hair Cuts, Recreation, and making Cancer Hats.

Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen



Every second Tuesday of the month a team from Salem cooks and serves a meal at the Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen in Brainerd at the Temple Baptist Church.  This is a valuable community outreach that is shared by many churches and service organizations throughout the Brainerd Lakes Area.  This ministry is supported financially through Salem’s Social Ministry Committee and donations of money, food and labor from members of Salem.  If you would like to support or participate in this ministry, please contact the church office at 534-3309.


Habitat for Humanity

habitat humanity logo


Through the work of Habitat for Humanity, counties low-income families have found new hope in the form of affordable housing. Churches, community groups and others have joined together to successfully tackle a significant social problem — decent housing for all.  

Salem Lutheran Church has had a long history of being involved with the Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, both at the affiliate level and with our local chapter, The Range Chapter.  Salem has been involved in the committee structure of both the affiliate and chapter organizations as well as active participants in local building projects.  Salem has been the ‘framing crew’ for several Thrivent for Lutherans Blitz Build houses as well as many other projects in our local community as well as all of the lakes area, including financial support of the projects.