
Since 1999 our Northeast Minnesota Synod of the ELCA has been traveling to Honduras.  The initial trip was following Hurricane Mitch as a follow up trip to the Millions for Mitch Campaign.  Salem has been actively involved with ministry in Honduras since 2003.  Projects have included building  a Catholic Church, school buildings, assisting in medical missions, construction of buildings, infrastructure and classes at the Monte Horeb Project.  More recent trips have trips have centered on theological training with the Lutheran Church of Honduras and construction projects at the Helping Hands Orphanage.  Our current project is to help construct a “living Bible” park/camp for children to come and be able to walk through the story. When the children come to learn and play it’s like the most amazing Vacation Bible School!  

Our projects all focus on sharing the love of Christ in Word and action, to enable the people of Honduras to gain education and vocational training.  In a country of extreme poverty and violence, it is the mission of Salem, working in and with other organizations, to offer emotional and spiritual support, and an opportunity for a fresh start in a safe and loving environment.


The Piecemakers Quilt Group is a group of people who meet each Tuesday at 9:00 am in the Salem Fellowship Hall to make quilts to give to others in need. Most of the quilts we make are now sent to local food shelves, our Salem West clients, HOPE Counseling in Aitkin, and other opportunities as we hear. These quilts bring warmth on cold nights and shelter from the sun on hot days. It becomes a bed, a room divider, a backpack to carry belongings, and at times even a home. Each quilt is one of a kind, with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of hope by caring people. You do not have to be an expert sewer or quilter to be part of this ministry. Most have learned on the job!  More people always welcomed to help sew quilt tops, cut squares and tie the quilts. We meet at Salem’s fellowship hall Tuesdays from 9am to noon. 

Diapers, a story of our Outreach start… 

Salem’s diaper ministry was formed when Audrey Anderson and Arlene Stromberg picked up a pattern for cloth diapers at an ELCA Women’s event.  This coincided well with the Salem WEST team, frustrated with an abundance of used tee shirts being donated, along with a need for diapers seen by the Honduras Mission Teams.  Most of what we made were taken or shipped to Honduras for families, hospitals, and clinics.  The tee shirts were collected through Salem WEST, local schools, churches and individuals.  The diaper ministry team cut, folded, and sewed the t-shirts into reusable diapers. 
This ministry had grown throughout the NE Minnesota Synod of the ELCA and beyond.  While our ministry has expanded beyond diapers, it has still been active in other areas.  To download the pattern, please click here.  To find out about Northeast Minnesota’s ministry partnership with Honduras, visit nemnsynod.org or click here