Home Communion Team

This team brings the  Sacrament of Communion to those who are hospitalized, home-bound, or in a care facility, as an extension of the worship experience at Salem Lutheran. Communion kits are placed on the altar and consecrated with the bread and wine/grape juice during the worship service.  In addition to serving communion, the Home Communion Minister will share scripture readings which were read as part of worship and pray with those they are visiting.

If you would like to serve in this ministry or you know of someone who would benefit from a home communion visitation, please contact the church office at 534-3309.


 Prayer Shawls

prayer shawl pic

 This ministry is very special to those who participate and for those who receive the shawls.  The shawls are knit with a special pattern, using special yarn, while the individual is prayed for with each stitch.  These creations are each unique and become a cherished gift.  They offer the warmth and softness of Christ surrounding them during a difficult time with health issues or loss.

Salem’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is an opportunity for knitters and crocheters to reach out in prayer and concern to others, some of whom they know well and others they will never meet.

If you know someone who would benefit from this ministry or would like more information on how you could serve, please contact the church office at 534-3309.  Patterns for the shawls – both knit as well as crocheted – are also available at the church office.


Prayer Shawl of Faith

They pray as they knit,
Loving hands do the work;
Thinking not of themselves,
In this task they won’t shirk.

They pray as they purl,
Each stitch done with care;
A gift of their faith,
With a stranger they will share.

They pray as they cast on,
Many hours till the end;
With strength from the Lord,
Their free time they will spend.

Prayers woven into this shawl,
Have been prayed just for you;
Though your name be not known,
The message always remains true.

You are Loved by the Lord,
And others you may not know;
So may this Prayer Shawl remind you,
Of that love’s precious warm glow.

Please find comfort in knowing,
In each stitch there is love;
And many prayers just for you,
Sent to our Father in Heaven above.